Leela's Vegan and Vegetarian Recipes & Cooking Hints

This is Leela's Vegan and Vegetarian Recipes and Cooking Hints. My cooking style is improvisational. I don't measure much, but go on instinct. I take inspiration and improvise to make up recipes. I'll add various menus, recipes and cooking hints. As I refine items, I'll modify recipes. I'll also point out other delicious recipes I've tried.

Monday, December 09, 2013

Easy Roasted Cauliflower with Indian Garam Masala (Curry Powder)


  • 1 head of cauliflower, chopped into medium florets
  • 3 Tbsp Extra Virgin Olive Oil (EVOO)
  • 2 Tbsp Curry Powder or Garam Masala
    • I used Badshah Rajwadi Garam Masala
  • 1 Tbsp Tumeric
  • Salt to taste


  1. Preheat oven to 450 degrees CONVECTION if available. 
  2. Wash and dry thoroughly Cauliflower
  3. Add to a large bowl or directly onto roasting pan
  4. Toss with EVOO, until completely coated
  5. Sprinkle Garam Masala and Turmeric as evenly across whole pan as possible. 
  6. Toss thoroughly until all cauliflower is coated
  7. Spread on roasting pan so its only one layer deep
  8. Put in center of oven and roast for 10 minutes.  Check for doneness by poking a knife tip into the stem part.  If it enters easily its done, if not, continue roasting for 5 minutes or more.  Note each oven might vary slightly in the length of time required to roast. 
  9. Toss some salt on it as soon as it comes out of the oven, stir and serve. 

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