Leela's Vegan and Vegetarian Recipes & Cooking Hints

This is Leela's Vegan and Vegetarian Recipes and Cooking Hints. My cooking style is improvisational. I don't measure much, but go on instinct. I take inspiration and improvise to make up recipes. I'll add various menus, recipes and cooking hints. As I refine items, I'll modify recipes. I'll also point out other delicious recipes I've tried.

Sunday, January 03, 2010

Foods I want to research:

  1. Kombucha
  2. Kefir
    1. Coconut milk kefir
    2. Water kefir
  3. Miso
  4. Coconut milk yogurt
  5. Healing properties of mehti, ragi powder, turmeric, sabudhana (sp?) etc other indian things random people mention to me - mostly my mom.
  6. earth balance soy free spread
  7. coconut milk
  8. coconut milk ice cream

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