Leela's Vegan and Vegetarian Recipes & Cooking Hints

This is Leela's Vegan and Vegetarian Recipes and Cooking Hints. My cooking style is improvisational. I don't measure much, but go on instinct. I take inspiration and improvise to make up recipes. I'll add various menus, recipes and cooking hints. As I refine items, I'll modify recipes. I'll also point out other delicious recipes I've tried.

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Food questions: Maple Syrup

I've been researching Organic Pure Maple Syrup, how its made, in order to come up with the things that I want to be concerned with in the production of Maple Syrup before I buy. 

Based upon what I read here are the questions I've come up with (Can you describe their collection process from start to finish, and that I would like to know details about what the food is in contact with)

  1. Do you use pesticides, fertilizier or any other intervention?
  2. Do you tube or tap your maple trees? 
  3. If you tube, do you use BPA free tubes? 
  4. What process do you use for converting from sap to syrup?  Do you use reverse osmosis?  
  5. Do you use a filtration process, and if so what type do you use? 
  6. If you do filter, how do you clean your filters? 
  7. How do you store your reverse osmosis filters and how to you clean them? 
  8. What metals/materials are in contact with the sap/syrup in the sugar house?
  9. Are there any additives in the syrup? 
  10. How do you keep the foam under control (bacon fat, butter, organic safflower oil, other)? 
Some articles: 


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