Leela's Vegan and Vegetarian Recipes & Cooking Hints

This is Leela's Vegan and Vegetarian Recipes and Cooking Hints. My cooking style is improvisational. I don't measure much, but go on instinct. I take inspiration and improvise to make up recipes. I'll add various menus, recipes and cooking hints. As I refine items, I'll modify recipes. I'll also point out other delicious recipes I've tried.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Mushroom Soup

Mushroom Soup

  • 1 medium shallot chopped
  • 1 garlic clove
  • 2 cups mixture of mushrooms (portabello, crimini, regular, etc) chopped roughly
  • 1 tsp rosemary
  • 1 veggie bullion
  • salt and pepper to taste
  • milk as needed to make soup creamy
  1. Saute shallots and garlic together in some olive oil
  2. Add mixture of chopped mushrooms, pinch of salt and saute until tender
  3. Add rosemary
  4. Add veggie bullion
  5. Add milk, heat (to make vegan, add soymilk or rice milk)
  6. salt and pepper to taste
  7. Use a hand blender or blender to make a smooth soup
  8. Serve with croutons and a salad.

This recipe is very forgiving. Just experiment with the amount of mushrooms, milk, etc etc.
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